Extra Programs
Educational Achievement Specialist
“Teaching in the loving and close-knit community of PBVM for the last eighteen years has been an absolute joy. I have and continue to be awed by the dedication of our staff and families to Catholic Education and instilling in us all the love of virtue. I thoroughly enjoyed being a classroom teacher, however, as the new Educational Achievement Specialist (EAS), I am also so excited to have begun working closely with our teachers and families to ensure that each child is given the tools and support they need to succeed. I feel extremely blessed to be a part of the PBVM school community.”

Kathleen Baggett
Educational Achievement Specialist
With PBVM since 2003
Parent of 2008 alum
Bachelor of Arts, Cross-Cultural Language, and Academic Development credential
MA, Teaching and Learning-Special Education, Liberty University
Advanced Math
“I enjoy my work at Presentation School because it brings me closer to God, it keeps me young, and it gives me a sense of purpose. God is great, and I am thankful He enables me to keep working with such a terrific group of youngsters and talented staff. The dynamic classroom environment keeps me in touch with the younger generations and helps me avoid becoming an even grumpier old man. Finally, I enjoy contributing to the education of younger students and the sense of self-worth teaching at PBVM provides.”

Robert E. Jungk
Advanced Math, 7th and 8th Grade
With PBVM since 2010
Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, Secondary Teaching Credential, Loras College
MS Ed in Educational Administration, Northern Illinois University
“There are so many reasons why we love teaching at Presentation. First and foremost, we love that it is Christ-centered. Every day, we start with prayer, reminding ourselves why we are really here. Secondly, we love all the staff and faculty! Each member of the Presentation team has a love for God that pours over to their love for their students. Last, but very far from least, are the students! They are joy-filled students who are striving to live virtuous lives.”
The Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist
With PBVM since 2010
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” – Philippians 4:8