Mission & Philosophy
School Mission Statement
“Formed in Freedom for Excellence
Transformed through Grace and Virtue
Living in Joy born of Truth”
Philosophy of Catholic Education
Freedom For Excellence
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary School exists primarily to assist families in educating their children to the truths of the Catholic Faith, and to nourish both families and students in the Eucharistic life and Marian spirituality of the Church. At PBVM School, the child’s freedom is formed and develops gradually through education of the whole child – intellectually, spiritually, socially, and physically.

Habits, skills, objectives and expectations are organized around the cardinal virtues of Prudence, Justice, Temperance and Fortitude and nurtured through truth and love. This educational approach clustered around the virtues (1) strengthens freedom, (2) refines human actions and (3) leads students to examine all that opposes freedom.
Grace & Virtue
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary School is committed to the belief that each child has a personal dignity and worth because he/she is created in the image of God and loved by Him. Recognized as a unique individual, each child’s talents and gifts are challenged and developed according to his/her capacity. Children are taught to use their gifts for the honor and glory of God, for their own spiritual and temporal good, and for the good of their neighbor.

Joy Born of Truth
The student who is formed in Freedom for Excellence through authentic education and transformed by Christ through Grace and virtue will exhibit joy. Joy is the direct effect of (1) Truth Understood (2) Goodness Loved, and (3) Excellent Actions.
School-Wide Expectations
Careful Planners
who are thorough in their studies
Confident Leaders
who are secure in the knowledge of God’s infinite love for them
Reflective Individuals
whose work is inspired by truth
Lovers of Beauty
with an appreciation for the different expressions of art, music, and other cultural experiences
Assertive Communicators
who seek the “truth which will set man free”
Integrated Individuals
who recognize their dignity as human persons
Catechized Witnesses
with a well-grounded knowledge and understanding of the Catholic faith
well-rounded students who take full advantage of all educational opportunities
Loyal Knights
who are steadfast and focused
Faithful Worshipers
willing and eager to give God His due in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Responsible Stewards
who understand that every good gift comes from God
Grateful Sons & Daughters
who honor and respect God, parents, and country